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Find more networks and to support your work and interests here. To make the listings more accessible, we have colour coded those networks that are newly listed in green.

Please note, all content is shared by partners in good faith and we are not responsible for maintaining the links or contacts.


Wales Arts Health and Wellbeing Network (WAHWN) (WAHWN | Wales) May 2023

WAHWN is a rapidly expanding network of colleagues delivering arts and health work in Wales.

The Every Corner Network (NAPA & The Southbank Centre | UK Wide) March 2023

Monthly online group for anyone with an interest in arts in care provision which is managed by NAPA and The Southbank Centre. The group takes place on the second Tuesday of each month,10-11am.

PMLD Network Group by Cheshire Dance (Cheshire Dance | Cheshire) October 2022

Cheshire Dance brings together PMLD Dance Professionals to share approaches, knowledge and resources to enrich dance experiences for people living with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities.

Oxfordshire Age Friendly Creative Network (Age UK Oxfordshire | Oxfordshire) August 2022

The Oxfordshire Age Friendly Creative Network (OAFCN) exists to ensure that older people across Oxfordshire have access to high quality creative and cultural opportunities. To join contact HelenFountain@ageukoxfordshire.org.uk (part of the AoC Team)

Creative Later Life Network (Age UK Oxfordshire | England) August 2022

Farrell Renowden (Age of Creativity) leads a national network of local Age UKs to share creative resources, inspiration and peer to peer learning across England. Age UK colleagues can join for free. Contact: farrellrenowden@ageukoxfordshire.org.uk

Creative Ageing Special Interest Group (British Society of Gerontology | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2022

This vibrant community of interest is cross-disciplinary, international, and growing in stature, as a rapidly evolving evidence-base demonstrates the potential for creativity to contribute widely within the lives of individuals and communities.

Join the London Intergenerational Network (Magic Me | England) ARCHIVED 2021

Join us as part of The London Intergenerational Network. The network is a self-organised group for people interested in running intergenerational projects to network and share learning.