

Find inspiration here. For best results, use our search function to search by key word, date, county, organisation etc. To make the listings more accessible, we have colour coded those projects that are more than 3 years old in red.

Please note, all content is shared by partners in good faith and we are not responsible for maintaining the links or contacts.


Creative Health Review Report (National Centre for Creative Health | UK Wide) January 2024

NCCH and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (APPG AHW) Creative Health Review highlights the potential for creative health to help tackle pressing issues in health and social care and more widely.

Creative activity in the ageing population: Findings from Wave 6 of The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) | Worldwide) August 2023

Comprehensive analysis of the participation of older adults in arts, creative, and cultural activities in Ireland using data from Wave 6 of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, a nationally representative study of older adults living in Ireland.

Towards Regenerative Resilience: Cultivating community capacity in times of crisis A Playbook for the Future (Common Vision | UK Wide) July 2023

What role do local communities play in strengthening our national capacity to deal with crisis? How can we repair and renew communities’ confidence and agency in the context of long-term uncertainty and instability?

In Mature Company (Yorkshire Dance | West Yorkshire) February 2023

Led by Yorkshire Dance, In Mature Company is a programme of creative movement sessions that brings dance artists and musicians into dementia care homes across Leeds. Here is a report reflecting on our work in 2022.

Older People- culture, community, connection (Connecting Through Culture As We Age | England) December 2022

Overall, while there is promising evidence for the value of cultural participation for older people’s wellbeing and feelings of social connection, there are concerns about the quality of literature within this research area...

Every Care Home A Creative Care Home (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) December 2022

A systems approach to personalised creativity and culture by David Cutler

Creative Aging, Drawing on the Arts to Enhance Healthy Aging (Andrzej Klimczuk, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland | Worldwide) December 2022

The term "creative aging," in the broadest sense, describes an aging policy idea that focuses on highlighting the creativity of older adults in order to prepare individuals and communities to manage old age.

Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy, Volume I (Andrzej Klimczuk, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland | Worldwide) December 2022

Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy mixes the silver economy, the creative economy, and the social economy to construct positive solutions for an ageing population.

Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy, Volume II (Andrzej Klimczuk, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland | Worldwide) December 2022

This book shows that global population ageing is an opportunity to improve the quality of human life rather than a threat to economic competitiveness and stability. It describes the concept of the creative ageing policy

Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Aging (Andrzej Klimczuk, Jorge Felix | Worldwide) December 2022

Social innovation is a key element of social entrepreneurship. Social innovation is usually understood as new strategies, concepts, products, services, and organizational forms that allow for the satisfaction of needs.

Research digest Older people – culture, community, connection (Centre for Cultural Value/ Connecting Through Culture As We Age | UK Wide) November 2022

Overall, while there is promising evidence for the value of cultural participation for older people’s wellbeing and feelings of social connection, there are concerns about the quality of literature within this research area...

PMLD Network Group by Cheshire Dance (Cheshire Dance | Cheshire) October 2022

Cheshire Dance brings together PMLD Dance Professionals to share approaches, knowledge and resources to enrich dance experiences for people living with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities.

Subjective experiences of participatory arts engagement of healthy older people and explorations of creative ageing (Dr Emily Bradfield: Independent Researcher | Cambridgeshire) October 2022

The aim of this article was to report findings from a qualitative focus group study conductedto understand the subjective experiences of community-dwelling healthy older people engaging in a range of participatory arts activities.

Unexpected Encounters: How museums nurture living and ageing well 2016-18 (Age UK Oxfordshire/ University of Leicester | England) August 2022

University of Leicester explored the relationship between natural heritage, older people and wellbeing. Age UK Oxfordshire were a strategic partner. https://le.ac.uk/-/media/uol/docs/research-centres/rcmg/publications/unexpected-encounters-s.pdf

How can the cultural sector support older people’s well-being as part of social prescribing? 2021 (University of Oxfordshire/ Age UK Oxfordshire | England) August 2022

This interim policy document by University of Oxford reports on an on-going study, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Age UK Oxfordshire were one of a number of key partners involved in the research.

Banbury Age of Creativity Festival 2019 Evaluation Report by Helen Fountain (Age UK Oxfordshire | Oxfordshire) August 2022

Oxfordshire Age Friendly Creative Network delivered a partnership event at the Mill Arts Centre to explore ways in which the arts could contribute to the Age Friendly Banbury project and specifically reduce loneliness and isolation.

Connecting Through Culture As We Age (Age of Creativity/ University of Bristol | UK Wide) August 2022

Connecting through culture as we age is a co-produced research project that explores how and why we take part in arts and culture as we get older. The Age of Creativity have been supporting this Knowledge Transfer project as a key partner.

Place Making or Making Place? Part of: Age of Creativity Festival 2022 (Age of Creativity Festival 2022 | England) August 2022

This partnership event was co-devised by colleagues at Keele University, Staffordshire University and Age UK Oxfordshire, as part of the Age of Creativity Festival 2022 and Creative Later Life 2025.

InCommon's Impact Report (InCommon | City of London) ARCHIVED 2024

In Autumn 2023, we published our latest Impact Report. Take a look to learn more about our work connecting children and young people with their older neighbours in retirement homes.

Oxford Age Friendly Creative Consultation Report by Helen Fountain (Age UK Oxfordshire | Oxfordshire) ARCHIVED 2023

In 2019 Age UK Oxfordshire’s Age Friendly Creative Network was awarded funding from Oxford City Council’s Culture Fund to support delivery of an Age Friendly Creative Consultation in Oxford City focussed on those who don't take part.

Older people and creativity: What can a social pedagogical perspective add to this work? (Science OPEN | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2023

This article explores the significance of creativity whether linked to the participatory arts or creative thinking and problem solving in addressing four challenges. It acknowledges the value of the participatory arts but highlights problems of acces ...

Why reminiscence (usually) works for people with dementia (Social Care Institute for Excellence | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2023

Reminiscence means sharing life experiences, memories and stories from the past. Reminiscence can give people with dementia a sense of competence and confidence through using a skill they still have.

Creativity and Ageing by Graham Riach, University of Oxford (Oxfordshire/ Age UK Oxfordshire | Oxfordshire) ARCHIVED 2022

Graham Riach’s KE project aimed to reframe the discourse around ageing populations, by exploring the relationships between creativity and ageing. In collaboration with Age UK Oxfordshire, Graham ran three creative writing workshops with older ...

The role of the visual arts in the resilience of people living with dementia in care homes (Ageing & Society | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

This study responds to a gap in the literature relating to the resilience of people living with dementia in care homes. The authors applied an ecopsychosocial framework of resilience, theorising that sources of resilience may be personal, social and ...

The Role of Arts Within Health (WHO | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

Synthesising the findings from over 3,500 published studies, the report covers a spectrum from uncontrolled pilot studies to randomized controlled trials, from small-scale cross-sectional surveys to analyses of nationally-representative longitudinal ...

Music and Health: A Review of Research and Practice (Voluntary Arts | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

The paper covers dimensions of Music and Health, including the physiological benefits of music, with specific investigation into music and empathy. Key findings also highlight the value of music participation as an important tool for both personal we ...

Creative Arts in Oxfordshire Hospitals: What does best practice look like? (Creative Dementia Arts Network | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2022

The webinar offers a timely opportunity to learn about and share good practice in engaging older hospital patients in creative arts. Follow the website link to see more information and registration details. 9-11am 06 Oct. 2022

What might arts therapies do for people with dementia? (Cochrane Dementia Group | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

Jenny McCleerya is a Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry at Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust working with many patients with dementia. Here she reviews arts therapies.

Is reminiscence over-rated as a therapy for people with dementia? (Cochrane Dementia Group | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

In March 2018 when Cochrane reviewed 16 studies, the combined results failed to show any consistent benefit associated with reminiscence therapy on quality of life, but there was a small effect on performance on cognitive tests. At first sight, this ...

Changing Lives: the social impact of participation in culture and sport (House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

"The DCMS should take the opportunity of the expansion of social prescribing to work with the Department of Health and Social Care to test how far prescription of arts and sports interventions can be mainstreamed in the 23 areas; to develop closer li ...

The evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being in the WHO European Region (WHO | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2022

The Health Evidence Network synthesis report on arts and health, maps the global academic literature on this subject in both English and Russian. The report represents the most comprehensive evidence review of arts and health to date.

Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group releases report on developing age-friendly cities (Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

This report summarises key themes from a workshop organised by the Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group (MUARG): Developing age-friendly cities: Turning urban research into practice.

Beyond the Walls (People Dancing - the foundation for community dance | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

Louisa Borg-Costanzi Potts, Programme Manager and Kate Wakeling, Research Fellow, Learning and Participation at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance reflect on an innovative piece of artist-research, offering audiences personal insight into ...

There's No Bus Map for Dementia (Manchester Met University/Beth Johnson Foundation | Staffordshire) ARCHIVED 2022

There's No Bus Map for Dementia is a comic about experiences of living well with dementia. It was created through a series of arts workshops involving a group of people with dementia and dementia advocates (Beth Johnson Foundation), artists (Cathy Le ...

Solutions for successful evaluation of arts and dementia projects... (Karen Grady | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

What is it about arts and dementia that make it so difficult to evaluate? This graphic narrative might just make it clearer.

The Best of Both Worlds (Generations United | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

Closer Look at Creating Spaces that Connect Young and Old. Intergenerational shared sites make common sense, in terms of reducing social isolation, creating livable communities and positively impacting participants lives.

Bicester Festival Age Friendly Creative Pop Up Evaluation Report by Helen Fountain (Age UK Oxfordshire | Oxfordshire) ARCHIVED 2022

With generous funding from Cherwell District Councils Spark Fund and fantastic support from our partners and colleagues we delivered a number of events across Bicester as part of the Age of Creativity Festival to test and learn new approaches.

Museums and wellbeing - an untapped resource (Art Fund | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

With over half of people surveyed saying that they want to make more use of museums & galleries in the future, these places clearly represent an untapped resource...

Review of key mechanisms in intergenerational practices, and their effectiveness at reducing loneliness/social isolation (Government for Social Research - Wales | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

The Welsh Government's programme for government, Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021, sets out a commitment to develop a nationwide and cross-government strategy to address loneliness and isolation as part of its strategy to improve the health and wellbei ...

From Bingo to Bartok - Creative and Innovative Approaches to involving older people with Orchestras (Orchestras Live | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

Commissioned by the Baring Foundation, the publication spotlights some of the best examples of orchestral work supporting older people living better lives and meeting the challenges of health and loneliness.

Intergenerational Practice a Review of the Literature (National Foundation for Educational Research | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

This report focuses on the findings from a literature review of what is known about the effectiveness of intergenerational practice, conducted by the NFER for the Local Government Association (LGA).

Together Old & Young Toolkit. A Training Manual for Intergenerational Learning Initiatives (TOY | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

This report tells the story of the 12 TOY pilot actions which took place during 2014 in five European countries. The goal was to unite young children and older people in enriching intergenerational activities, improve social bonds and dismantle stere ...

Who Participates in Different Cultural Activities? (What Works Wellbeing | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Jane shares findings from NatCen research into linked data from the four waves of Understanding Society surveys of adults and young people that included questions on cultural and sports participation,

The Arts and Dementia: Emerging directions for theory, research and practice (UCL | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

In the absence of cures or effective pharmacological treatments for the dementias, the inherent possibilities of the arts for transforming the lived experience of dementia and even their therapeutic potential for addressing these complex conditions, ...

A Choir in Every Care Home- the Report (Live Music Now | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

From 2015-17, we surveyed the many creative ways that older people engage with music, and explored why the majority of care homes do not regularly offer this opportunity. We found a wealth of evidence supporting the use of music for older people, par ...

ArtWorks: Developing Practice in Participatory Settings (Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Artsworks' funding enabled us to develop two pieces of professional development for artists engaged, or wishing to become engaged, in participatory arts practice with older people: 1. Sharing Practice 2. Older and Wiser, a one day conference style ev ...

Cultural Democracy in Practice (64 Million Artists | England) ARCHIVED 2021

In partnership with Arts Council England, 64 Million Artists is delighted to announce the publication of Cultural Democracy in Practice - a practical guide to help arts and cultural organisations embed democracy at the heart of their work.

Cultural engagement and cognitive reserve: museum attendance and dementia incidence over a 10-year period (Cambridge University Press | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Theories of cognitive reserve, disuse syndrome and stress have suggested that activities that are mentally engaging, enjoyable and socially interactive could be protective against the development of dementia.

Is it love or loneliness? Exploring the impact of everyday digital technology use on the wellbeing of older adults (Centre for Policy on Aging | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Loneliness is a prevalent phenomenon within the older adult population. Previous literature suggests that technology use, specifically internet use, can alleviate loneliness and improve well-being. This research study follows 32 people over the age o ...

Arts in care homes: a rapid mapping of training provision (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

This report provides a snapshot of the diverse creative ageing training provision available to artists and care staff in the UK as surveyed in July 2017.

Tackling the growing crisis of lonely men: exploring what works through the Time to Shine programme (Care Connect | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Men are living longer and while this is good news, research indicates that older men are increasingly experiencing loneliness. Emerging findings from an ongoing evaluation of a programme in Leeds, called Time to Shine, provide learning on how to supp ...

Creativity in Mind (64 Million Artists | England) ARCHIVED 2021

Creativity in Mind is a collaboration with UCL Division of Psychology and Life Sciences exploring the impact of everyday creativity on people experiencing low mood and anxiety. It's free for anyone to take part in.

Museums as Spaces for Wellbeing: A Second Report from the National Alliance for Museums, Health and Wellbeing (Age of Creativity | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

The second report is intended to explore in greater depth the development of the museums, health and wellbeing sector. The data on which it is based come from a variety of sources, including consultation involved in the production of a good practic ...

Making Intergenerational Connections: an Evidence Review (University of Kent | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Intergenerational programmes are often seen as 'nice to have' rather than necessary. So in a time of restricted funds, priorities turn to other, more pressing needs. However, social psychological research has been gathering evidence over decades whi ...

Changing the world through Arts and Kindness (People United | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Our new research report outlines People United niche position within an exciting and emerging research landscape that links the arts with psychology and civil society research on wellbeing, resilience, social cohesion and active citizenship. As part ...

Everyday Creativity in Later Life (64 Million Artists & Leicester Ageing Together) (64 Million Artists & Leicester Aging Together | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

In 2017 & 2018, 64 Million Artists worked with Leicester Ageing Together to explore the impact of everyday creativity and simple digital tools on the wellbeing and social inclusion of older people. This action research project was funded by Nominet T ...

The State of Play Arts & Older People Programme (Arts Council of N Ireland | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

A report from Northern Ireland Strengthening the voice of older people in society and tackling issues of isolation, loneliness, social inclusion, poverty, health and dementia, through the arts.

Creativity and Learning in Later Life - An Ethnography of Museum Education (Routledge | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2021

Creativity and Learning in Later Life examines how processes such as creativity and inspiration are experienced by writers who engage with the visual arts, and questions how age is perceived in relation to these processes.

The digital age: new approaches to supporting people in later life get online (Centre for Better Aging | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

This research highlights a need for a fundamental re-think of digital inclusion policy and practice for people in later life. There are now more people online in later life than ever before. Over the last several years, the proportion of older peopl ...

Creative and Cultural Activities and Wellbeing in Later Life (AgeUK | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Age UK Oxfordshire worked with Age UK to explore data from the Index of Wellbeing in Later Life 2017 in more detail. This report focusses on creative and cultural participation.

Art for Health's Sake The Essay, The Free Thinking Essay (BBC 3 | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

An apple a day is said to keep the doctor away but could a poem, painting or play have the same effect? Daisy Fancourt is a Wellcome Research Fellow at University College London. In her Essay, recorded with an audience at Sage Gateshead for the Free ...

What factors make ‘age-friendly environments’ effective? (University of Liverpool | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

A new study, published in the journal Systematic Reviews, conducted by researchers at the University of Liverpool and Newcastle University has identified the most effective initiatives for promoting respect and social inclusion for older people livin ...

Community group membership and multidimensional subjective well-being in older age (BMJ | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

It has been highlighted as a public health priority to identify ways of supporting well-being in older age to allow people to lead healthy and integrated lifestyles. This study explored whether membership in eight different sorts of community groups ...

Active older people participating in creative dance - challenging perceptions (Middlesex University | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2021

This work-based research by Jacqueline Richards makes a timely contribution, bringing together older people's voices, work-based practice, theory and learning to create new knowledge that can inform future research and practice, whether large or smal ...

Enhancing health, wellbeing and quality of life for all? A reflection on the role of artistic practices in society by Cindy Brooks (University of Southampton | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Recognition of the role of artistic and creative practices in enhancing health, wellbeing and quality of life is gaining increasing significance as evident through a number of reports, research and news articles, initiatives and events.

Beside the Sea (Moving Memory Dance Theatre Company | Kent) ARCHIVED 2021

Moving Memory Dance Theatre Company, worked with Age Uk Thanet's Intergenerational, Sunshine Saturday group, exploring stories and experiences of the sea. The project culminated in the creation of this movie which celebrates this vibrant community of ...

An Arts on Prescription Model - an Australian Report (Hammond | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Arts on Prescription uses participatory arts programs, alongside traditional health care, to help older people improve their physical and mental wellbeing.

Singing for Health: Tips and Tactics – A practical guide to running a singing for health choir (Canterbury Christ Church University | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

The aim of this series is to offer guidance on setting up and running singing groups for people with a range of enduring health issues. They are based on previous research at the Sidney De Haan Research Centre

Singing and people with dementia (Sydney de Haan | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Part of a series, this guide offers help and ideas for setting up and running a singing group for people suffering with dementia.

Singing and people with Parkinson (Sydney de Haan | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Part of a series, this guide offers help and ideas for setting up and running a singing group for people with Parkinson.

Dance for Lifelong Wellbeing (Royal Academy of Dance | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

This project develops the research findings from the 2013 pilot of the Dance for Lifelong Wellbeing project undertaken by the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) contributing to and enhancing the research base in relation to dance for older adults.

The power of songs: An evaluation of Plymouth Music Zone Keep Singing Keepsake Project (Plymouth University | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

The Keep Singing, Keepsake Project worked with older people in residential and community settings via a weekly group singing session. It aimed to strengthen social ties, reduce loneliness, improve emotional wellbeing for participants and promoting in ...

Energise Dance Nourish Art (Sydney de Haan | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

The aim of the pilot project was to evaluate the benefits to health and wellbeing of dance and arts activities that were stimulating and developed for and with older people in Medway and Gravesend. Both physiological and psychosocial areas of health ...

Dancing towards well-being in the third age: Literature review on the impact of dance on health and well-being among older people (Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

A review of literature on dance and its impact physiologically and psychologically among elderly populations. Topics included general fitness and strength, balance and gait, and general psychological wellbeing such as self-confidence, social inclusi ...

A summary: Age UK's index of wellbeing in later life (Age UK | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

The Wellbeing in Later Life Index, developed by Age UK and the University of Southampton, analysed data from 15,000 people aged 60 and over to measure the wellbeing of the UK older population. 'Creativity and Cultural Participation' came out top.

Music & Memory through Film: A Research Project (Jennie Gubner | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

In my course "Music and Memory: Studying Music and Alzheimer's through Film," my students and I work to help make personalized iPod playlists for residents with dementia at continuing care centers, documenting these experiences through sensory approa ...

Research into Dementia and Imagination (Dementia & Imagination | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Can art improve life for people with dementia and their carers? If so, how does it do this? And can it help people with dementia stay connected to their communities? Can it help their communities become more dementia friendly? Might there even be fin ...

Research Informed Approaches to Visual Arts Programmes (Age of Creativity | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

This handbook is not a tool-kit of prescription exercises to deliver visual arts projects, and it's not an evaluation guide. What it is, is a result of a research project and is intended to be used by artists and other people who plan to deliver art ...

Exploring the Longitudinal Relationship Between Arts Engagement and Health (Arts for Health Manchester Metropolitan UNiversity | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

A new report, published by Arts for Health at Manchester Metropolitan University on Thursday 12 February 2015, reveals that engaging with the arts and culture generally has a positive long-term effect on health and wellbeing.

A Prospectus for Arts & Health (Arts Council | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

This prospectus produced jointly by the Department of Health and Arts Council England celebrates and promotes the benefits of the arts in improving everyones wellbeing, health and healthcare, and its role in supporting those who work in and with the ...

Measuring the value of Culture (Arts for Health | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Measuring the value of culture: a report to the Department for Culture Media and Sport by Dr. Dave OÕBrien, AHRC/ESRC Placement Fellow

A Choir in Every Care Home (Sydney de Haan | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Together with our working group members, our investigation into singing in care homes has created and amassed a large amount of material. We have distilled our learnings from this material into these 10 Headlines.

Everything we know about whether and how the Arts improve Lives (Createquity | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

"The arts are essential not a luxury." It feels good to say but is it actually true?ÊThe research could still use an upgrade in many areas. But what we know so far should cheer any arts advocate.

Developing the Arts for Older People (Winston Churchill Trust | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

A short film exploring the impact of the Winston Churchill Trust in promoting and developing the arts for older people in the UK.

Older people's dance activities - first UK survey (People Dancing | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Research report into current practice in older people's dance, published by People Dancing and co-commissioned by Aesop in 2016.

Evaluation of Book Groups for Older People (Bookfeast | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Teabooks from Bookfeast have produced an evaluation of its scheme to Book groups to older people in Oxfordshire

Autobiographical Therapeutic Theatre with Older People with Dementia (Springer Link | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

The book examines the particular contribution of creativity to older people with dementia; the support the use of creative arts therapies as an effective, fulfilling, and valuable tool with this growing population.

Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy, Volume I: Context and Considerations (Palgrave | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

Economic Foundations for Creative Aging Policy offers public policy ideas to construct positive answers for ageing populations.

Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy, Volume II: Putting Theory into Practice (Palgrave | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

This book describes the concept of the creative ageing policy as a mix of the silver economy, the creative economy, and the social and solidarity economy for older people.

Arts for health and wellbeing An evaluation framework (Public Health England | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2019

This document provides effective ways to document and evaluate arts projects and programmes that seek to improve health and wellbeing.

Can Music Be More Effective Than Drugs? (i09 | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2019

Canadian psychologists from McGill University have shown that the neurochemical benefits of music can boost the bodys immune system, reduce anxiety, and help regulate mood.

An Evidence Review of the Impact of Participatory Arts on Older People (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2019

It has been shown that participating in arts activities is extremely beneficial for older people with dementia, improving such things as communication, memory, enjoyment of life and creative thinking. Read the Baring Report for more details.

Changing risk behaviours and promoting cognitive health in older adults (UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2019

Arts activities have been cited as a key tool in preventing dementia in guidance prepared for health commissioners. Group cognitively stimulating leisure activities including arts activities are declared as the only social intervention proven to work ...

Everyday Creativity Long Term Wellbeing (UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2019

Researchers have identified a link between everyday creative activity and an upward spiral of increased wellbeing and creativity in young adults.

Research into Literature, Nature and Wellbeing (LAHF | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2019

Cultures of Nature and Wellbeing is a 2-year AHRC funded research project exploring links between literature, health and environmentalism over the last century.

CQC Report Encourages Arts in Care Settings (LAHF | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2019

A new report into the state of the social care sector has advocated the use of the arts as a means of care homes achieving excellence.


A robust set of research suggests that participatory arts activities are effective mechanisms for increasing the health and quality of life of aging individuals.

Long-term Analysis of Arts in Health (Manchester Metropolitan University | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2019

The report shows the results of a six-month research programme to evaluate the long-term relationship between arts participation and physical/psychological health have been published.


In 2013 Consilium research conducted a literature review to explore the role of the arts in delivering social care outcomes. The evidence review demonstrates the considerable physical and psychological benefits of supporting people who use services t ...

Evidencing the impact of and need for Acting Up - Mental Health Foundation ARCHIVED 2019

The Acting Up report documents the value of older people focusing on activities to keep themselves mentally & physically connected and the importance of promoting a positive image of older adults and their value in building healthy and equal communit ...

'Not So Cut Off' Publication (Cheshire) ARCHIVED 2019

The Baring Foundation and Arts Council of Northern Ireland commissioned research work into how the Arts and Older People Programme projects have tackled isolation and loneliness.

Museum activities in dementia care: Using visual analog scales to measure subjective wellbeing ARCHIVED 2019

Museum activities in dementia care: Using visual analog scales to measure subjective wellbeing

Understanding the Experience of Group Singing for Couples Where One Partner Has a Diagnosis of Dementia ARCHIVED 2019

Understanding the experience of group singing for couples where one partner has a diagnosis of dementia

Viewing Art on a Tablet Computer: A Well-Being Intervention for People with Dementia and their Caregivers ARCHIVED 2019

Art-based digital interventions have been shown to be beneficial for the well-being of people with dementia and their caregivers.

Museum object handling in older adult mental health inpatient care ARCHIVED 2019

Museum object handling groups in older adult mental health in patient care


Public Health England's framework for evaluating arts activities designed to support health and well being.

Interrogating Women's Experience of Ageing: Reinforcing or Challenging ClichŽ? ARCHIVED 2018

This research is based on four projects in which older women used participatory arts to enable them to articulate their experiences of ageing, and to create alternative images of ageing.

Theorizing How Art Gallery Interventions Impact People With Dementia and Their Caregivers ARCHIVED 2018

This study sought to better understand how programs at contemporary and traditional art galleries might play a role in the lives of people with dementia.