

Find inspiration here. For best results, use our search function to search by key word, date, county, organisation etc. To make the listings more accessible, we have colour coded those projects that are more than 3 years old in red.

Please note, all content is shared by partners in good faith and we are not responsible for maintaining the links or contacts.


Women Speak Volumes - Inspiring Older Women to Tell Their Stories (Speaking Volumes | Worldwide) August 2023

Women Speak Volumes is a free Inspiration Bank, a first step in helping older women to tell their stories in whatever way they want to through the inspiring stories of those who have, and still are, leading the way. Discover their inspiring stories.

Towards Regenerative Resilience: Cultivating community capacity in times of crisis A Playbook for the Future (Common Vision | UK Wide) July 2023

What role do local communities play in strengthening our national capacity to deal with crisis? How can we repair and renew communities’ confidence and agency in the context of long-term uncertainty and instability?

Creative Challenge Pack 2023 (Age UK Oxfordshire / 64M Artists / Dementia Oxfordshire | UK Wide) May 2023

With 31 creative ideas for everyone, this pack was developed by Age of Creativity in partnership with older people across the county, 64 Million Artists and Dementia Oxfordshire. Available to download as a pack or search for individual challenges.

My House of Memories App (House of Memories, National Museums Liverpool | Worldwide) May 2023

The My House of Memories app has pictures of objects from across the decades, which are brought to life with sound, music and descriptions, and provide an easy-to-use way to help people living with dementia explore things that resonate with them.

Connect My Memories Tablet Loan Service (House of Memories, National Museums Liverpool | Merseyside) May 2023

Connect My Memories is a tablet loan service, designed to support isolated older people in the community, and help them form new digital skills, connections and interests.  

Exchanging Dreams: Reminiscence, singing and exercise (Jazanne Arts | UK Wide) April 2023

Two reminiscence videos + booklet one about dancing days from the 60's and the other, childhood days from the 50's and 60's in the Caribbean and England, with singing, chair exercise and questions where you can pause and chat with loved ones.

Celebrating The Coronation (NAPA - National Activity Providers Association | UK Wide) March 2023

The Coronation year offers an occasion for us to come together in creative celebration and connect with our communities. We have created resources to help you celebrate this momentous event.

NAPA Toolkit Celebrating Intergenerational Activities (NAPA - National Activity Providers Association | UK Wide) March 2023

NAPA are delighted to support Intergenerational Practice; we recognise the essential role that Activity Providers play in supporting intergenerational activity programme planning and have developed the following guidance.

Global Social Prescribing: The A4D Arts for Brain Health Debates ( VeronicArts, Global Social Prescribing Alliance, Arts 4 Dementia | Greater London) March 2023

Hosted by Veronica Franklin Gould, president of Arts 4 Dementia, global experts in dementia prevention, creative ageing and social prescribing, debate sustainable arts programming as early diagnostic practice to preserve brain health

How To Make Your Work Intergenerational - TOOLKIT (Intergenerational Music Making | Surrey) March 2023

This toolkit has been designed to be taken into any organisation to support you with expanding your offering to more generations. It offers clear suggestions on how your work can become Intergenerational.

In Mature Company (Yorkshire Dance | West Yorkshire) February 2023

Led by Yorkshire Dance, In Mature Company is a programme of creative movement sessions that brings dance artists and musicians into dementia care homes across Leeds. Here is a report reflecting on our work in 2022.

Age-positive image library (Centre for Ageing Better | UK Wide) January 2023

We've created the first free library showing positive and realistic images of over 50s in a bid to challenge negative and stereotypical views of older age.

Every Care Home A Creative Care Home (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) December 2022

A systems approach to personalised creativity and culture by David Cutler

Perspectives and Theories of Social Innovation for Ageing Population (Andrzej Klimczuk, Łukasz Tomczyk (eds.) | Worldwide) December 2022

In recent years we may observe increasing interest in the development of social innovation both regarding theory as well as the practice of responding to social problems and challenges.

Research digest Older people – culture, community, connection (Centre for Cultural Value/ Connecting Through Culture As We Age | UK Wide) November 2022

Overall, while there is promising evidence for the value of cultural participation for older people’s wellbeing and feelings of social connection, there are concerns about the quality of literature within this research area...

PMLD Network Group by Cheshire Dance (Cheshire Dance | Cheshire) October 2022

Cheshire Dance brings together PMLD Dance Professionals to share approaches, knowledge and resources to enrich dance experiences for people living with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities.

CREATIVE AGEING TREASURY OF LEEDS (Leeds Arts Health and Wellbeing Network | West Yorkshire) October 2022

The Creative Ageing Treasury contains 15 step-by-step arts activities contributed by artists and organisations who deliver work for, by and with older people. There is something for different group sizes, locations, mobility and sensory capabilities.

The Storybox Project AT HOME (Small Things Creative Projecs | Greater Manchester) September 2022

A dementia friendly project which is free and open to all. It is an online resource which provides hundreds of dementia friendly creative activity ideas which are accessible and easy to try.

Joint APPG: Older People and APPG: Arts for Health and Wellbeing (Age of Creativity/ APPG Secretariats | Greater London) August 2022

On Wednesday 10 October 2018, House of Commons Committee Room 17, Parliament, the first joint APPG meeting focussed on creative ageing took place- instigated by the Age of Creativity for the inaugrual Age of Creativity Festival.

Creating the void: collective change in shared isolation – Farrell Renowden in conversation with researcher Karen Gray (University of Bristol/ Age UK Oxfordshire | Oxfordshire) August 2022

Farrell Renowden is Head of Cultural Partnerships at Age UK Oxfordshire, Age of Creativity Director, EDI Champion at Age England Association and one of our ‘Connecting through Culture’ project’s expert advisors. We spoke at the en ...

Family Arts Campaign: Age Friendly Standards (Family Arts Campaign/ Age of Creativity | UK Wide) August 2022

Age-Friendly Standards are a national self-assessed accreditation for cultural organisations and a recognised and trusted symbol for older audiences and family groups, including older people. Age of Creativity provided expertise in their development.

Creative Ageing Festivals- How to get involved (Age of Creativity/ Silver Sunday/ Arts in Care Homes | England) August 2022

The Age of Creativity Festival, Silver Sunday and Arts in Care Homes are all special moments throughout the year to celebrate creative ageing. Find out the who, what, where, when, why of each festival and how to get involved.

Creative Windows for the Jubilee (Age UK Oxfordshire | Oxfordshire) August 2022

This project was delivered by Age UK Oxfordshire, co-designed by our Age Friendly Creative Ambassadors and funded by Arts Council England to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee with communities across Oxfordshire. The final outcome forms a Jubilee Archive

Place Making or Making Place? Part of: Age of Creativity Festival 2022 (Age of Creativity Festival 2022 | England) August 2022

This partnership event was co-devised by colleagues at Keele University, Staffordshire University and Age UK Oxfordshire, as part of the Age of Creativity Festival 2022 and Creative Later Life 2025.

Creative Later Life Network (Age UK Oxfordshire | England) August 2022

Farrell Renowden (Age of Creativity) leads a national network of local Age UKs to share creative resources, inspiration and peer to peer learning across England. Age UK colleagues can join for free. Contact: farrellrenowden@ageukoxfordshire.org.uk

Framing Oxford (Age UK Oxfordshire/ Oxford History Centre/ Film Oxford | Oxfordshire) ARCHIVED 2024

This project took place during the Covid 19 pandemic and adopted a blended approach to delivery, both on-line and off-line. The Framing Oxford film shares the outcomes from the project and was made in partnership with Film Oxford.

The Smiling Sessions Christmas Singalongs (Shapeshifter Productions | Greater London) ARCHIVED 2024

The Smiling Sessions are participatory singing activities delivered in care homes. We are celebrating Christmas with an advent calendar of video sing a longs, one song a day, available on our youtube channel or on www.smilingsessions.com

Creative Challenge Pack (Age UK Oxfordshire/ 64M Artists | Oxfordshire) ARCHIVED 2024

During the pandemic, we adapted the Creative Challenge Pack produced in 2019 (as part of the Age of Creativity Festival) to become part of a postal project. Packs were delivered to 1000 homes in 2021 with support from local community teams.

The NAPA Year of Connected Communities Toolkit (NAPA - National Activity Providers Association | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2023

The NAPA Year of Connected Communities 2023 is a national campaign to support the care sector to prioritise community connections, with the aim of improving psychological and social wellbeing. View HERE - https://digital.napa-activities.co.uk/view/

Adapting to Adversity: How Dance to Health developed a New Normal (Aesop | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2023

Rachael Hawkins, Volunteering and Public Engagement Coordinator at Aesop describes how the company's engagement with older and people and dance evolved during C-19.

Art by Post: Poems for Our Planet (Southbank Centre and National Academy for Social Prescribing | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2023

Southbank Centre's project Art by Post: Poems for Our Planet is a free creative arts project, delivered in partnership with the National Academy for Social Prescribing.

Better Stories: How to support people with first-hand experience to do great media interviews. (On Road | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2023

With this guide, On Road draw on over 10 years of expertise in bringing people with personal experience of social issues together with journalists to collaborate on fresh, more nuanced content, in safe and strategic ways.

Homemade Circus Handbook (Upswing | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2023

This is a ground-breaking programme which uses circus to improve the health & wellbeing of older people.

Creatively Minded (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2023

An initial mapping study of participatory arts and mental health activity in the UK - the first report of our new Arts & Mental Health funding theme.

The Intergenerational Evaluation Toolkit (Generations United | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2023

Evaluating the impact of intergenerational work is key and this Toolkit from the US is an invaluable guide.

Dementia Toolkit for small and medium sized museums (Age of Creativity | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2023

A toolkit to help small museums design their own wellbeing programmes for people living with dementia.

Art and dementia in the UK South Asian Diaspora (Spare Tyre | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2023

There is growing awareness of the intrinsic and therapeutic value of artistic work for people living with dementia and provision for them by arts organisations has expanded. However, this has not reached the South Asian communities spoken to in this ...

New report aims to inspire and enable older people to enjoy creative activities (Kings College, London | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

A new report titled 'Older and wiser? Creative Ageing in the UK 2010-9' reviews the development of the creative ageing sector over the past decade, examining how far it has come and considering where it should go next.

Home Alone South Tyneside (south tyneside council | Tyne and Wear) ARCHIVED 2022

A living room installation, created by artist Sharon Bailey, with photographs and an audio diary which tells the day to day experiences of older people living at home. alone

Creative Arts in Oxfordshire Hospitals: What does best practice look like? (Creative Dementia Arts Network | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2022

The webinar offers a timely opportunity to learn about and share good practice in engaging older hospital patients in creative arts. Follow the website link to see more information and registration details. 9-11am 06 Oct. 2022

Family Arts Toolkit (Fantastic for Families | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

This toolkit is a simple guide to communicating that you are Fantastic for Families, and offers guidance on how to use the Standards in practice to improve your family offer.

Age UK Arts Facilitator's Guide by 64 Million Artists (Age of Creativity/64 Million Artists | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

This was commissioned by Age of Creativity Festival for Age UKs in 2019. As well as a handy facilitators guide, with hints and tips for running a successful creative session, you find 6 sets of PDFs of creative challenges people can complete every ...

Quite an adventure: some lessons from digital arts projects with older people (Baring Foundation | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2022

How the use of digital technology in five arts projects impacted on older people, creative engagement, business models, partnerships, and attitudes towards ageing.

Age UK Inspiration Pack for local Age UKs and Cultural Sector Partnerships. (Age UK | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

Age UK Oxfordshire has been working in partnership with Age UK HQ to help develop more creative and cultural activities locally across the country. This resource is designed to help facilitate more local partnerships across England.

A Guide to autism-friendly screenings (Inclusive Cinema | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

The UK Cinema Association, supported by Dimensions and the BFI Film Audience Network, have produced this guide on how best to deliver and promote autism- friendly screenings at your cinemas. We hope you find it useful and it inspires you to consider ...

Intergenerational Activities Sourcebook (Pennsylvania State University, | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

Intergenerational connections are magic. But anyone who has worked in an intergenerational program knows that magic takes work. If our goal is to develop meaningful connections, we can't simply put different generations in a giant blender and hit the ...

Treasury of arts activities for older people (Baring Foundation/Small Things | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2022

50 activities, long and short, for use in any setting with older people. This little book is truly a cabinet of wonders. Do not be deceived by its simple descriptions of creative activities. Each one is a door onto experiences that might take you in ...

Creative ageing: has our time come? (University of Derby | Derbyshire) ARCHIVED 2021

We've added years to life but have we added life to years? The answer is very mixed globally, with dramatic population ageing being regarded with scepticism, indifference and growing fear: as a demographic timebomb rather than a demographic triumph. ...

Moving Memory Dance Theatre - Intergenerational dance and mental health (Moving Memory Dance Theatre | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Kent-based Moving Memory is using its Celebrating Age grant to develop intergenerational dance performances and to engage older people living with mental health issues in dance.

Communication and Dementia (BBC 4 | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

The wonderful Michael Rosen explores how to communicate with people with dementia. Alison Wray offers advice, such as to respond to the feeling behind the words rather than the words themselves.

Words, words, words and creative ageing (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

There is some wonderful work happening in the creative ageing field with spoken word, creative writing and literature - and there should be more says David Cutler!

Guide to Intergenerational Activity (St Monica's Trust | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Bring older and younger generations together in your community. Our free guide to Intergenerational Activity is packed full of key information, inspiring success stories and top tips for your own projects.

Round the world of creative aging - David Cutler (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Let's celebrate the wonderful exchange of ideas and practice between different countries we see in the creative ageing field today - International Older People's Day.

Dementia-friendly media and broadcast guide (Alzheimers Society | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

A guide to representing dementia in the arts, culture and popular discourse.

Rural Arts is finding creative ways to engage isolated older people in the arts in rural North Yorks (Rural Arts | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

"I have happier thoughts, and have something to look forward to. I like being appreciated. I am more motivated to get out and about. My greatest joy is sharing my love for music. I am feeling more involved; with Rural Arts, with the village, and with ...

How to Measure Your Impact on Wellbing (What Works Wellbeing | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR CHARITIES AND SOCIAL ENTERPRISES Whether you want to improve health, education or employment, measuring wellbeing can show you the wider impact you have on the people and communities you support.

Applying for ACE's Developing Your Creative Practise? Here's five things you need to know (Arts Council, England | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Director of Dance and London, has some advice for those applying this time round. Whether you've already made an unsuccessful application and want to reapply, or if this is your first time, here are Cate's top tips for making a successful DYCP applic ...

Creativity and Mental Wellbeing in Later Life (64 Million Artists | England) ARCHIVED 2021

Find out more about our work exploring the impact simple creativity can have on the mental wellbeing of older people.

Homemade Circus Handbook (Homemade Circus | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Homemade Circus uses circus to improve the health and wellbeing of older participants. This booklet for care homes enables care homes and day centres to try out some simple circus games themselves.

ELDERS INVESTIGATE A year-long investigation into the relationship between ageing and culture by The Royal Exchange Elders Company (Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Throughout 2016-2017, people over 60, explored the relationship between ageing and culture with writer, Sarah Butler, through a series of conversations, debates, investigations and creative writing workshops.

Each breath is valuable: an evaluation of an arts in care homes programme (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

The Arts in Care Homes programme was a joint funding initiative with the Arts Council England (2013-2016) to explore models of professional arts practice with and for older people in care homes over three years.

Great things lie ahead: ageing better in our communities (Centre for Better Aging | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

As Greater Manchester becomes the UK's first age-friendly city region, as recognised by the World Health Organisation, it's good to reflect on what an Age-friendly Community actually means in practice.

Network Adult social care Could the Montessori method help people with dementia? (The Guardian | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Normally associated with children in particular, a future king of England, it may come as a surprise that Montessori education methods can be highly effective for supporting people with dementia.

Frances Williams explores how Arts in Heath interventions might usefully connect and grow across increasingly ‘devolved’ geographies. (LAHF | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

Frances Williams PhD research explores how devolution is impacting the field of Arts in health, not only between the (four) nations but recently devolved (English) city-regions too.

Postcard from Taiwan: dreams never age! by David Cutler of Barind Foundation (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2021

An exchange with Taiwan on the theme of creative ageing reveals some inspiring projects from one of the world's fastest ageing societies.

TOWARDS THE END The Baring Foundation's Arts and Older People Programme 2010 -2017 by David Cutler (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

This report explains why the Baring Foundation has been funding arts and older people activity and describes what we have funded for the first eight years of our grant making. We are aware that we are just one piece of the jigsaw in a much broader pi ...

Benefits of the Arts (Createquity | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

American think tank Createquity has collated and reviewed research into the health benefits of the arts. The organisation has come up with a list of areas where they identify the evidence for the impact of the arts on wellbeing is strong.

Survey on the use of at-home dance resources (University of Manchester | Greater Manchester) ARCHIVED 2020

Researchers at the University of Manchester are working with community dance providers to investigate the use of at-home resources while access to in-person dance classes is suspended as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rethinking heritage: A guide to help make your site more dementia-friendly (Historic Royal Palaces | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

To help heritage sites get started on becoming dementia-friendly organisations, this guide contains information about how dementia affects people's experience of interacting with heritage. It also provides tips, guidance and signposting to help herit ...

Dementia Friendly Screenings: A guide for cinemas (Alzheimers Society | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

People affected by dementia often have to give up the things they love due to inaccessible and unsupportive environments. This includes visiting a cinema.

The Role of Local Authorities in Creative ageing- Second edition with new case studies from Councils around the UK (Age of Creativity | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

The case for local authority involvement in arts and older people. An ageing society is a cause for celebration but brings with it an increased demand for local services and funds, including for local authorities.

How music opens the doors of memory and the mind (Welcome Trust | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

Music can exist without memory. But, despite the fact that memory loss can be associated with dementia, people living with it are often still able to listen, sing along, perform or move to music. It offers a way to communicate beyond language, and to ...

Postcard from Germany: a portrait of creative ageing in the Rhineland (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Jobbing artists in the UK may be surprised to learn that Germany has a social insurance scheme for artists, paid into by the state and by cultural organisations that hire them, which is intended to provide for sick pay, pensions and so on. Politician ...

The elixir of life: older people’s dance (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Older people are dancing more than ever before for performance, pleasure and health. David Cutler celebrates some of the initiatives happening around the UK.

A Choir in Every Care Home - TOOLKIT and more (Live Music Now | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

A Choir in Every Care Home is an ambitious initiative to explore how music and singing can feature regularly in care homes across the country. The website has a Tookit for Care Homes, one for Musicians and a helpful Resource section,

Singing Your Way to Better Health (Singing for Better Health | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Udita Everett runs six well attended therapeutic Sing For Better Health groups per week, across Brighton & Hove. They are for older people or anybody any age, with a long-term health problem. Many of members live on their own - the singing groups bec ...


How far have we come in creative ageing? It would be easy to offer something uplifting in response to this daunting challenge and leave it at that. So I have tried to take a step back and look more analytically. I am afraid that this might be less in ...

Dementia sufferer Mary Ann sings beautifully for Jeremy Vine (Age of Creativity | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Mary Ann Marmont has lived with dementia for a decade. She astounds Jeremy with a performance of an old Italian song her mother used to sing, demonstrating how music can help those living with dementia to cope with the condition and trigger happy mem ...

Dancing for older peoples’ health and well-being toolkit (Arts for Health Cornwall and Isles of Scilly | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Developed from projects in care settings across Cornwall, this toolkit includes ideas, advice and inspiration to begin a dance session in ones own care setting.

Singing for older peoples’ health and well-being (Arts for Health Cornwall and Isles of Scilly | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

The Singing for Well-being toolkit was developed following feedback from clients and care staff from previous singing projects that described the benefits of singing with their elderly clients, especially those with dementia.

A summary: Age UK's index of wellbeing in later life (Age UK | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

The Wellbeing in Later Life Index, developed by Age UK and the University of Southampton, analysed data from 15,000 people aged 60 and over to measure the wellbeing of the UK older population. 'Creativity and Cultural Participation' came out top.

Old people crazy to paint (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Youth has never necessarily been the pinnacle of an artistic career as the British Museum Hokusai beyond the wave exhibition clearly shows. David Cutler reflects on how galleries, museums and arts organisations are widening opportunities for more of ...

The Posh Club – progressive working class entertainment for elegant elders. (Duckie | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Simon Casson is a Producer for Duckie, arts company and purveyors of progressive working class entertainment. Here he introduces Duckie's Posh Clubs: glamorous cabaret and high tea for elegant elders and swanky senior citizens.

Life is for living: artistry in old age (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Francois Matarasso gave this talk at the Independent Creative Living Conference, Baltic, Gateshead in June 2016 on why creative agency, the ability to act as an artist, is as important in old age as in any other time of life.

What's behind the magnificent work taking place in arts with older people in Wales? (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

David Cutler of Baring Foundation: What's behind the magnificent work taking place in arts with older people in Wales? I have been asking myself this question after participating in the excellent conference at the stunningly beautiful new Royal Colle ...

Dementia: Can the Arts be helpful in finding ways for all of us to experience ourselves in the moment rather than after the fact? (Created Out of Mind | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

This project theme will explore how different people living both with and without dementia respond to different experiences such as seeing art and exhibitions, handling objects or hearing music. We will measure these responses in a variety of ways in ...

Remembering, curiosity and creativityâ why we fund age-friendly museums (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

The first two case studies in the Museum Association's publication Museums Change Lives are of work with older people, Tunbridge Wells Museum and Art Gallery's Dementia Partnership and Glasgow Museums partnership with Contact the Elderly. In the form ...

Forthcoming Exhibition in the Bethlem Gallery Thinking Society: Art and Social Psychiatry Blog by Beth Elliot (London Arts & Health Forum | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

NO to the society that demands we all be alike. NO to the coercion to consume and conform. NO to the poisoned world that drives its people to flee into introspection and solitude. NO to the dislocation, depression and anger this breeds. Art is for em ...

Question asked in House of Lords: What is the Government doing to protect and improve local arts and cultural services, including museums, libraries and archaeological services? (House of Lords | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

What is the quality of life if it is devoid and deprived of culture, arts, libraries, museums and archaeology the very things that open our minds and give us reasons to learn and live?

Participatory Arts, Older People and Living With Dementia (cARTrefu | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

My own work on older artists, Winter Fires, was published by the Baring Foundation in 2012, and I subsequently joined them as a trustee, which has given me more insight into the range and quality of participatory art work being done with older people ...

The Stage is Ageing – Applause! (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

The Baring Foundation's Director, David Cutler, considers the growth in theatre for and by older people.

Getting Started With Commissioning: A Toolkit for Arts & Culture Organisations (Age of Creativity | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

More and more Local Authorities and health funders are shifting from traditional grants to tendering and commissioning. As competition for arts funding increases- and statutory arts funding is cut- your organisation needs to get commissioning ready.

Franklyn Hospital (Double Elephant Print Workshop | Devon) ARCHIVED 2020

Double Elephant has recently completed a printmaking and painting residency at Franklyn Hospital in Exeter making designs for posters on the theme of food for display in the dining area. The work was made by older people with dementia and poor mental ...

Flintlock Theatre: Four Score Years and Ten - A verbatim piece celebrating the lives of nonagenarians (Flintlock Theatre | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

As a company, we love projects that play with theatrical conventions, break down barriers and invite the audience into the performance space but this piece was different. It had to involve older people and have a discussion about their lives at its h ...

Ceramics Activities in a Care Home (Emily Hall | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

I have been Ceramics Activities Lead at Nightingale Hammerson Clapham home since 2011 but pottery has been running for over 20 years among other creative activity such as painting, textiles, singing and poetry. The home is pioneering in terms of faci ...

Long Live Arts Manifesto - Feel the Arts (The Baring Foundation | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

The Baring Foundation has had a three year collaboration with colleagues in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. Along with a call to action and essays from experts this publication gives a rich series of case studies from the four countries themed ...

West Yorkshire Playhouse Guide to Dementia Friendly Performances (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

West Yorkshire Playhouse has been leading the way in dementia-friendly performances. We have funded this new in-depth guide based on their unique experience to inspire more venues to take up this opportunity across the UK.

Not So Cut Off (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Not So Cut Off is a new publication from the Arts Council Northern Ireland funded by the Baring Foundation. It gathers evidence from case studies funded by our joint Arts and Older People project on the benefits of participation in the arts for isola ...

Ageing in Public: creative practice in ageing and the public realm from across the UK (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

This publication, edited by Daniel Baker, from Cubitt largely draws together a series of contributions to a one day conference funded by the Baring Foundation in 2014.

A New Form of Theatre - Older people's involvement in theatre and drama (Age of Creativity | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

This report, by Kate Organ, maps the growing phenomenon of Older People's Theatre Companies throughout the UK and puts this exciting development in the context of broader developments in older people's participation in professional and amateur theat ...

Becoming a dementia-friendly arts venue: A practical guide (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

This guide has been produced by a working group chaired by David Cutler, the Director of the Baring Foundation. It has been written by a group of people with practical experience of making arts and cultural venues dementia friendly

Technically Older - an update on digital arts and creative ageing (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

This report updates Joe Randall's ground-breaking paper for the Foundation on digital arts and older people. Based on interviews with artists and ten new case studies it looks at new opportunities such as self-directed activity, personalised care and ...

Getting On - arts and older people (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

This report explains why the Baring Foundation funded arts and older people activity and what it supported for the first five years of the programme.

Wellbeing in Later Life – what matters and who is thriving and who is just surviving? (Age of Creativity | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Blog by David Cutler, Director, The Baring Foundation 22/02/2017

Specially Curated Museum Experiences for the Elderly (Singapore's Agency for Integrated Care | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

Starting the Culture, Kopi and Kueh pilot programme was an almost serendipitous process. This is a reflection of Singapore's changing population demographics and global trends that is only going to get larger with time.

Painting, Dancing and Visiting Museums 'Boosts Wellbeing' in Later Life (Home Care | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

The Wellbeing Index report, from Age UK and the University of Southampton, found that while many factors combine to create wellbeing, keeping engaged in social and cultural activities, being financially secure and taking exercise helps people feel go ...

Evaluating your Project (Creative & Credible | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

Use this website to understand why you might need to evaluate, what approaches might be appropriate, and to plan and implement evaluation for your project. You will also find downloadable handouts, examples and links to other evaluation resources her ...

Quantative Evaluation, reflections by Norma Daykin (Creative & Credible | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

The approach you take to an evaluation will depend on what you want to find out. Co-producing an evaluation with commissioners and funders and involving them in identifying aims and suitable outcomes, will help to make sure that you understand each ...

Exploring the Health Benefits of Fiction Therapy (The Star | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

Using books to help people cope with mental, physical and emotional problems is gaining traction

Paintings In Hospitals (Paintings In Hospitals | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

Paintings In Hospitals provide therapy and escapism through the medium of the visual arts they offer an alternative aspect to a patients care as well as solace and entertainment to visitors and the care professionals themselves.

Strokestra, a partnership between the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and a Hull stroke unit (Strokestra | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

At the first session with the patients, none of us, not even the therapists, really knew what we were doing or what was going to happen. I was very nervous. But by the end of the session, we'd structured this incredible piece of music and that sudden ...

Do older people really struggle with technology? (The Guardian | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Researchers at Heriot-Watt and Strathclyde universities claim that physiological degeneration in the connections between cells in the frontal lobe means that older people are allegedly flummoxed by new-fangled things such as taps that you pull rather ...

Our Cities Must Undergo a Revolution for OlderPeople (The Guardian | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Cities are designed for a mythical average person, super-mobile, without dependents or disabilities but with a cast-iron bladder. This person is more likely to be young than old. And yet by 2030, two-thirds of the worlds population will be living in ...

Five Tips on Organising an Event for Older People (The Guardian | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

Events are moments for residents to enjoy. Award-winning activities and volunteers coordinator Tamara Juckes shares her advice on making sure they are a success.

The Appleby Tate, One Year On By James Cropper (Creative Minds | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

The Appleby Tate is an incredible gallery space that has been created to display all of the fantastic artwork created in Art Sessions by the residents. Creative Minds have been delivering Art Sessions to Appleby House for nearly 2 years now, and the ...

ART IN MIND By Heather Thomas, Lightbox (The Lightbox | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Art in Mind started in 2013 when The Lightbox ran a series of pilot sessions, funded by a one off grant. Lightbox took its model from training and research carried out by Arts4Dementia and adapted it for our own particular style and needs.

Arts and Older People - By Laura Menzies (Baring Foundation | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

In early 2015 I was awarded a Fellowship from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust this report covers where I went and what I saw and the key findings from each of my four areas of research: Storytelling & Poetry, Intergenerational Programmes, Museum ...

Creativity & Aging in Japan by Jason Danely (Brookes University | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

Japan has a long tradition of cultural and artistic appreciation, from tea ceremonies and flower arrangement, to unique forms of theater and dance. For many older people, post-retirement life offers a chance to pursue their creative interests with r ...

Cornwall Museums Partnership by Chloe Hughes (Cornwall Museums Partnership | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Cornwall Museums Partnership supported three museums to work collaboratively with artists, each museum using their collections as inspiration. We wanted to create more opportunities for older people to be inspired.

Everything Stops for Tea at Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust (Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

The suggestion of a tea party came initially from a member of clinical staff on one of the wards, as she had seen how the Elevate programme delivers bespoke creative activity for patients, responding personally to an individual and getting to the hea ...

FERGUS EARLY Always Remembering to Dance (Green Candle Dance Company | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

I often feel I have had several careers in dance: as a ballet dancer; the London School of Contemporary Dance; X6 Collective; then founding Chisenhale Dance Space with another collective and meanwhile working regularly as a solo performer, freelance ...

Jacksons Lane - Working With Older People (Jacksons Lane | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Over the past four years Jacksons Lane has developed a participation and outreach department that has increased our engagement across North London in areas such as Tottenham, Wood Green and part of Barnet. This has been an amazing and positive learni ...

LIfting the Fog of Dementia - Lottie Barker Arts 4 Dementia (Arts 4 Dementia (A4D) | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Arts 4 Dementia focuses on what people can achieve, often very much more than they imagine as our recent workshop series at St Mary The Boltons church shows.

Moving Memory Dance Theatre Cracking the Crinoline Sian Stevenson (Moving Memory Dance Theatre | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Moving Memory Dance Theatre Company is a well-established company that offers workshop and performance opportunities for older women. Participants have the opportunity to try out new dance-theatre based skills and make high quality performance projec ...

Stories for Wellbeing in Later Life - by Fiona Hamilton, Orchard Arts (Orchard Arts | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Stories are vitally important to people. Facilitating people and stories is my job in a variety of settings. Sometimes this is with people exploring themes in later life.

So Far and Yet so Near. Ambition for Arts and Ageing in Hong Kong (Whitworth Museum | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

Recently I was invited by the British Council and Hong Kong Arts Adminstrators to speak about ambition for arts and ageing at a Cultural Leadership summit in Hong Kong.

Working with Adults with Early Memory Loss (Simon Ripley | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2020

I have been privileged to work alongside patients experiencing dementia and memory loss at Franklyn Hospital in Exeter and at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth. We have found printmaking to be a great way to engage patients in art making.

The National Endowment for the Arts guide to community-engaged research in the arts and health (The National Endowment for the Arts | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

This guide from the US outlines ways to reconcile the field-specific vocabularies used in the arts and health research; identifies study goals and methods for engaging community members as equal partners in a research project; and highlights the bene ...

Study Examines Arts Therapy for Alzheimers (University of Pennsylvania | Worldwide) ARCHIVED 2020

Music therapy is considered to be a method of dealing with Alzheimers, without truly treating or curing it. And there's more work being done in the area of art therapy. Listen to perspectives here.

Awakenings: Hannah Peel on how she harnessed music's power to cut through dementia (The Guardian | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2019

When the musician Hannah Peel began to lose her gran to dementia, she fought back with song. The results were so overwhelming, they grew into a vast musical exploration.

State of Care (Age UK Oxfordshire | Oxfordshire) ARCHIVED 2019

Demands are increasing on health and social care. State of Care looks at the trends, highlights examples of good and outstanding care, and identifies factors that maintain high-quality care.

Inspirational Blog About the Power of Visual Arts in the Care Home Environment. ARCHIVED 2019

James Cropper of Creative Minds has written THE APPLEBY TATE, ONE YEAR ON about the benefits of the visual arts in the care home environment.

Library services for older people good practice guide ARCHIVED 2019

This good practice guide uses older people as a key client for all library and information services becoming a growing priority in the short, medium and long terms. It contains links to a range of relevant information sources, data and facts about t ...

Digital Arts and Older People What is distinctive about working with older people using creative technology? ARCHIVED 2019

This paper shows what is distinctive about working with older people using creative technology. It outlines some of that digital artists face, identifies challenges and how to explore them.

Storytelling for Health (LAHF | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2019

Blog reports following Storytelling for Health 2 International Conference

Dance Therapy Brings Joy and Wellbeing to Older People (The Guardian | UK Wide) ARCHIVED 2019

Classes run by arts charity Create improve health and brighten lives but future of programme is threatened by social care spending cuts.

NICE Guidelines on interventions to maintain and improve the mental wellbeing ARCHIVED 2019

These NICE guidelines cover the interventions to maintain and improve the mental wellbeing and independence of people aged 65 or older and how to identify those most at risk of a decline.

Ground-breaking guide to creating Dementia-Friendly Arts Venues ARCHIVED 2018

This important document by the Alzheimer's Society was written by a group of practitioners chaired by the Baring Foundation and comes with the endorsement of the Arts Council England. It is written to be relevant for venues big and small and across a ...

Arts and Dementia': responding to the challenge of the Fujinomiya Shopkeepers By David Slater (Berkshire) ARCHIVED 2018

The birth of Japan's first dementia friendly community has led to awareness of the needs of older people and the development of imaginative, open and inclusive appraoches to supporting the needs of a rapidly changing demographic.

BBC News: More scientific research needed on ways arts programmes can impact older people's health ARCHIVED 2016

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) is funding new research on ways the arts programmes can impact older people's health.